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COzPro Report: The Fast and Simple Way to Create Your Carbon Impact Baseline

23 July 2024

As global focus on sustainability intensifies, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into their strategies and operations. The evolving regulatory landscape for environmental reporting can be complex, with overlapping standards that are challenging to navigate. However, meeting these requirements is crucial not only for compliance but also for aligning with stakeholder expectations for transparency and responsible business practices.

The Problem

Technology is ubiquitous, powering everything from our pockets to our businesses. However, IT contributes up to 30% of business CO2e Scope 3 emissions. As we move towards an increasingly digital world, the environmental impact of technology estates will pose an ever-growing challenge.

To combat the impact of technology on the environment, global regulators have created a raft of mandates and disclosure requirements.

Companies Act 2006

Medium and large UK companies must describe principal risks, including environmental factors if they are material. Section 172 requires large companies to prepare a statement on stakeholder engagement, considering environmental impacts and supply chain relationships.

Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR)

SECR mandates that quoted companies, large unquoted companies, and large LLPs report their UK energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and at least one intensity ratio. They must also disclose energy efficiency actions taken and methodologies used.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

TCFD recommends disclosures in governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics related to climate risks and opportunities. UK-listed companies must comply on a “comply or explain” basis.

Climate-related Financial Disclosure Regulations 2022

These regulations require certain large entities to include climate-related disclosures in their strategic report or Energy and Carbon Report, focusing on governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics.

Essential First Steps

Meeting these regulations is essential for any business. But before you can satisfy any of the carbon reporting and reduction requirements, you must first know your current carbon impact baseline.

The Solution: KA2’s COzPro Carbon Impact Baseline Report

At KA2, we empower clients, partners, and suppliers to measure, manage, and model the environmental impact of their IT estate. Here’s how COzPro Reporting can help:

  • Understand Your IT Estate: Send us your hardware asset list in a .csv or .xls format.
  • Data Cleansing: We ensure the Taxonomy and Lexography are consistent
  • Data Mapping: We map your data to manufacturer model data and run it through our Carbon Rating Engine.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Receive a detailed report with the lifetime Scope 2 and 3 emissions for each asset, creating a baseline for the environmental impact of your technology estate.

Creating a Carbon Impact Baseline

As part of a broader Data Optimisation Programme a Global Financial Services Organisation used COzPro’s Carbon Rating Engine to cleanse and map 110,000 assets across 1058 models to a carbon footprint and create a baseline for a carbon reduction plan – all within 2 weeks! This rapid turnaround provided the company with the trusted data and insights needed to accelerate their journey towards sustainable IT and meet regulatory deadlines.

Do you know your current Carbon Impact?

Contact us to learn more about how KA2 can quickly and easily create a Carbon Impact Baseline of your enterprise technology to support your sustainability goals and ensure compliance with global environmental reporting requirements.